Use "life|lives" in a sentence

1. He lives an ascetic life.

2. She lives a frugal life.

3. He lives a quiet life.

4. Farrington lives a life of Counterparts…

5. She certainly lives life to the full.

6. She always lives life at a gallop.

7. He always lives his life as he wishes.

8. She lives her life to the Bubbliest living life in her own pace

9. Small Hei Yang lives ovine life, often sad weep.

10. Stork affects our quality of life, health and lives greatly.

11. You knowingly Jeopardized your life And the lives of others.

12. He's 80 years old now and lives a very secluded life.

13. Arcadian definition is - a person who lives a simple quiet life


15. Arora exists to restore lives – through the life-saving and life-restoring transplantation of organs and tissues

16. 13 The old lady lives alone, only one Tomcat with her life.

17. Young people center their lives on musicians, whose life-styles they imitate.

18. Dogs are not our whole life, but they do make some lives whole.

19. By not doing anything that will endanger our life or other people’s lives.

20. Without some element of suffering in our lives, it is difficult to distinguish a pleasurable life from a happy life.

21. It happened in the life of Sister Abie Turay, who lives in Sierra Leone.

22. He always dreams of being a great swordsman who lives a free life alone.

23. 29 The new treatment could save Emma's life and the lives of countless others.

24. These real-life superdweebs have been waiting their whole lives for a call like this.

25. As a result, they lead happier, more satisfying lives, and may even receive everlasting life.

26. The Cowgirl faces life head-on, lives by her own lights, and makes no excuses

27. Caps supports families to ensure that every child lives a life free from abuse and neglect.

28. O Conveys Blueacre “to A for life, then to B if B lives to 100.” 8.

29. Each instance variable lives in memory for the life of the object it is owned by.

30. The Wheel King lives alone in the 10th Palace putting souls on trial and determining life spans.

31. While not all Alabamians lost to COVID-19 lived larger than life, their lives mattered to many

32. Blessen LaFleur’s life is once again taking more twists and turns than the bayou she lives near

33. 10 For the death that he died, he died with reference to sin* once for all time,+ but the life that he lives, he lives with reference to God.

34. The Blackfeet always believed that the life of the land and their own lives were bound and intertwined

35. Not believing in reincarnation or the after-life, it's my view that our lives are not dress rehearsals.

36. Someone who lives for meaningfully for 30 years has lived a a much longer life than one who drifted through life for 60 years. RVM 

37. Brigandage refers to the life and practice of brigands: highway robbery and plunder, and a brigand is a person who usually lives in a gang and lives by pillage and robbery

38. Justin Chase is the perfect Barkeep, tending bar as he lives his life, in a state of Zen serenity

39. The Anchoress is inspired by real-life medieval women who lived lives of devotion, locked away in village churches

40. Nevertheless, many people live lives that are Boringly predictable, or live a life where everything is outlined or planned

41. Synonyms for Breathes include is, exists, lives, survives, subsists, stands, has existence, has life, draws breath and has being

42. He lives twice who lives well. 

43. What will we do to make sure that we don’t endanger our own life or the lives of others?

44. Your life and the lives of others will be in your hands when you get behind the steering wheel.

45. Our lives are lives of perpetual urgency.

46. He lives long that lives well. 

47. We must choose Conformability to His will for our lives over the comfort of current circumstances in our life. The pain we face in our lives today will become His platform tomorrow

48. What does Biopic mean? A motion picture based on the life (lives) of a real, rather than fictional, person (people)

49. Aptly was founded with a single mission: to be the absolute best at adding value to our investors' lives, our tenant's lives, and the life of the community we live and work in.

50. Dominant narrative can be defined and decided by the sociopolitical and socioeconomic setting someone lives his or her life in.

51. It takes Boys, many who were told they were never going to make it in life, and changes their lives

52. 3 He lives long that lives well. 

53. For example, a man who lives a life of immoral debauchery and contracts AIDS may accept the truth and turn his life around to the point of dedication and baptism.

54. The most noticeable Backfiring happens in the exhaust system, where the catalytic converter lives a hard life even under normal circumstances

55. Biopic (plural Biopics) A motion picture based on the life (or lives) of a real, rather than fictional, person (or people)

56. In times of persecution, we would rather sacrifice our own life than betray our spiritual brothers and thus endanger their lives.

57. He most lives who lives most for others. 

58. Ledger books provide accurate historical records—in pictograph—of life on the plains and events in the lives of the Arapahos

59. 5 Traditionally men have compartmentalized their lives, never letting their personal lives encroach upon their professional lives.

60. Winner lives...

61. The life-cycle of earnings People also experience radically unequal patterns of earnings over the span of their working lives as employees.

62. Filmed with impressive skill and brought to life by unforgettable performances, Beanpole takes a heartbreakingly empathetic look at lives shattered by war.

63. The contradictions that remain are challenging - not only with respect to de Beauvoir's life but also in relation to our own lives.

64. 19 He lives almost entirely in the past, remembering life before the war and during his hellish time in a concentration camp.

65. Everything that lives, lives not alone, nor for itself. 

66. Contentedness When we are contented in life, we are accepting God’s sovereignty over our lives, and that is very pleasing to God

67. He spends his Baboon life with a pack of them, experiencing there every day lives, like eating, mating, and fighting for dominance

68. Description of Bagworms The Bagworm caterpillar lives its entire life inside a tough protective case made of silk and camouflaging bits of foliage

69. For a man who held that to take even an ant's life is evil , the offering of a million lives gives one pause.

70. Description of Bagworms The bagworm caterpillar lives its entire life inside a tough protective case made of silk and camouflaging bits of foliage

71. TAPI is one means towards this transition, for gas can bring life, warmth and a rebirth to the lives of all ordinary people.

72. If you want to help others create profound change in themselves, their work and their lives, Animas life coaching course is for you

73. Sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. Well,it may have escaped you notice, but life isn't fair.

74. Lives, existences, hopes.

75. touched people’s lives?

76. The Shogunate lives!

77. The chicken lives.

78. Lives are involved.

79. Life After life is a book that focuses on Ursula’s slow build-up, over the course of multiple lives (because it takes her hundreds of tries to get it right), to assassinating Adolf Hitler

80. Jin...... the soldiers ' lives and our lives are worth nothing to him